Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON) was founded on November 29, 1999, after formal registration under the relevant extent laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Before then, however, there existed in Nigeria, smaller regional Associations with their activities restricted to their particular regions within the country. These all collapsed to form a truly National Association now known as ALGON.
ALGON is the umbrella Association of all the Local Governments and Area Councils in Nigeria and its membership is institutional, which means that Local Governments are the members but being represented by Council Chairmen.
The Association is a veritable platform for a united Local Governments voice on socio-political issues in Nigeria and indeed globally.
1.* Promote and protect the interests, rights, privileges and autonomy of Local Government at all times.
2. * Encourage Local Governments execute the functions constitutionally assigned to them efficiently and effectively.
3. * Promote and encourage professionalism in Local Government services and contribute towards the improvement of Local Government administration and services.
4. * Provide a forum for discussion among members and with other relevant bodies on matters of interest to Local Governments.
5.* Express the views/opinions of Local Government on Federal/State Government policies/legislation affecting them as well as on other Local Government issues of national and global concerns.
6. * Offer advisory services to members and disseminate information on matters of importance to Local Government.
7. * Encourage investigation and research into matters relating to Local Government
Positioning Nigeria Local Governments as a third tier of government
Sustainable good governance at the Local Government level through better service delivery at the grassroots.
Service to the grassroots.